ASP.NET Core Reports
Product Line Sales
Company Sales
Mail Merge
Sales Report
Territory Sales
Conditional Row Formatting
Customer Support Analysis
Tickets Sales Analysis
Website Visitor Analysis
Patient Experience Analysis
Personal Expense Analysis
Northwind Products and Suppliers Report
Sales Order Detail
Product Catalog
Sales By Year
Grouping Aggregate
Product Details
Load Large Data
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Dynamic Chart Series
Data Bar
Spark Line
Dynamic Columns
External Parameter Report
Parameter Customization
Sub Report
PowerPoint Report
Transcript Report
CMR Report
Infographics Report
Report Writer

Conditional Row Formatting

This demonstration illustrates customer details in an SSRS table report item, with the details being highlighted based on conditional row formatting in ASP.NET Core Bold Report Viewer.

Report Processing...
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace ReportsCoreSamples.Controllers { [Route("report-viewer/conditional-row-formatting")] public class ConditionalRowFormattingController : PreviewController { [HttpGet("")] public IActionResult Index() { this.updateMetaData(); return View(); } } }
@inject Globals globals; @section control { <bold-report-viewer id="reportviewer" report-service-url="@Globals.SERVICE_URL" report-path="conditional-row-formatting.rdl" toolbar-rendering="onToolbarRendering" tool-bar-item-click="onToolBarItemClick" export-item-click="onExportItemClick" /> }

This demo illustrates the Conditional Formatting feature along with Report Parameters using the Tablix data region. Based on the country name selected in the Highlight Country parameter, the available customer details of the respective country are highlighted using conditional formatting. It makes the report easier to read horizontally and enhances the look and feel of report.

  • Conditional IIF Statement is used to build expression for background color, thereby it highlights the rows based on the Country Name field.

Conditional row formatting report designing steps can be found in this documentation section.