ASP.NET Core Reports
Product Line Sales
Company Sales
Mail Merge
Sales Report
Territory Sales
Conditional Row Formatting
Customer Support Analysis
Tickets Sales Analysis
Website Visitor Analysis
Patient Experience Analysis
Personal Expense Analysis
Northwind Products and Suppliers Report
Sales Order Detail
Product Catalog
Sales By Year
Grouping Aggregate
Product Details
Load Large Data
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Dynamic Chart Series
Data Bar
Spark Line
Dynamic Columns
External Parameter Report
Parameter Customization
Sub Report
PowerPoint Report
Transcript Report
Report Writer

The Product Line Sales RDL report represents the best performing sales people and stores using Tablix and Chart report items.

  • The sales details are organized by category and sub-category of products using the concept of cascading parameters. It allows users to filter Sub Category based on the selected Category.
  • Non cascading parameters namely start date and end date also used in this report.

More information about Cascading Parameters can be found in this documentation section.