Blazor Reports

Patient Experience Analysis

This demo shows the patient analysis report of a health care using SSRS doughnut chart, line chart and basic table data regions in Blazor Bold Report Viewer.

This report shows the Patient's satisfaction, average stay duration, count and average waiting time using Tablix and Chart report items.

Patient experience analysis is widely used to evaluate the quality of healthcare centers. The analysis data of patient’s feedback about a healthcare unit is presented as a clear and precise report using data regions such as doughnut, line charts and table in our Bold Report Viewer.

More information about chart data region can be found in this documentation section.

This report shows the Patient's satisfaction, average stay duration, count and average waiting time using Tablix and Chart report items.

Patient experience analysis is widely used to evaluate the quality of healthcare centers. The analysis data of patient’s feedback about a healthcare unit is presented as a clear and precise report using data regions such as doughnut, line charts and table in our Bold Report Viewer.

More information about chart data region can be found in this documentation section.